Day 2,044

“For if a person shifts their caution to their own reasoned choices and the acts of those choices, they will at the same time gain the will to avoid, but if they shift their caution away from their own reasoned choices to things not under their control, seeking to avoid what is controlled by others, […]

Ninth Day of Evermore Fridays

I didn’t end up getting to bed until after 6am. That’s just how I roll. Dana woke me up at about 2pm so we could go down to the City Clerk’s office to apply for our marriage license. After being told the clerk’s office wouldn’t take checks, and there would be a three dollar surcharge […]

Seventh Day

Just a real quick one this evening (although it’s nearing 1:00am again): I didn’t get nearly as much accomplished as I wanted to. The floor mats were laid out in the basement. The home gym bottom stabilizer was put in place along with the treadmill, bike, and shaking machine. The shaking machine was the only […]